Homayoun Shajarian Releases New Album

TEHRAN.(Iranart) - C lassical vocalist Homayoun Shajarian unveiled his new album “My Iran” in a ceremony alongside composer and kamancheh player Sohrab Pournazeri at Vahdat Hall on Wednesday.
The lyrics contain poems from classical poets Ferdowsi, Saadi and Hafez and contemporary lyricists Es’haq Anvar, Pourya Souri and Ahura Iman, Mehr News Agency reported on its Persian website.
Traditional instruments in the album are performed by Sohrab Pournazeri (kamancheh and setar), Tahmoures Pournazeri (tar), Azad Mirzapour (oud), Mahyar Tarihi (santur), Arshak Sahakian (duduk and clarinet), Ayeen Meshkatiyan (tonbak) and Atena Eshtiyaqi (cello).
Foreign instrumentalists have also contributed to the album including cellists James Jaffe, Gabriel Beisteline and Samsun van Loon, violinists Philip Brezina, Sara Chazin and Caitlyn McSherry, as well as Robert McCarthy on double bass, and French horn player Caitlyn Smith Franklin.
Soprano singer Delnia Aram, who previously worked with Shajarian and Pournazeri in their concert theater “Si”, has collaborated with the duo in the new album.
Shajarian, 43, Sohrab, 36, and Tahmoures Pournazeri, 41, recently held a concert “My Iran” in Canada where they performed some of the pieces of the newly-released album.
Homayoun Shajarian, son of celebrated singer Mohammadreza Shajarian, and Sohrab Pournazeri had a successful collaboration last year when they held a concert based on epic stories of Ferdowsi’s Shahnameh (Book of Kings) in Tehran.
source: Financial Tribune