Code: 72272 A

When will the 16th Abu Dhabi Art be held?

When will the 16th Abu Dhabi Art be held?

The 16th edition will run from 20– 24 November 2024 in Manarat Al Saadiyat.

Iran Art: Abu Dhabi Art is an international art fair, bringing together over 90 galleries from +30 countries each year.

The 16th edition will run from 20– 24 November 2024 in Manarat Al Saadiyat.

Abu Dhabi Art also offers a virtual platform for collectors to explore alongside the physical art fair.

Exhibitors are invited to submit proposals through the following sectors:

• Modern & Contemporary: Open to Modern and Contemporary galleries presenting a wide range of works by different artists. Participation is open for galleries who have been operating for at least 7 years. Galleries are encouraged to offer curatorial frameworks for each presentation. (30 - 100 sqm)

• Special Projects: Up to three artist presentation by galleries. Can be applied for alongside participation in the other sectors or as a standalone. Participation is open for galleries who have been operating for at least 3 years (24 sqm only)

• Emerge: Artworks presented by the gallery must be under USD 3,000. (24 sqm only)

• Focus: Galleries in this sector are invited to participate with specific artists chosen by a guest curator. (24 sqm standard size or any other size can be taken in agreement with the curator)

Deadline to apply is 23rd May 2024

Abu Dhabi Art Manarat Al Saadiyat
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