Code: 11079 A

Art Sale Drawing to a Close

Art Sale Drawing to a Close

TEHRAN. (Iranart) - T he annual art sale at Knack Gallery is coming to an end at its venue on No. 7, Sina Alley, Farzan Street, Zafar neighborhood.

More than 40 visual artists participated at the sale and paintings, drawings, manual prints, sculptures and photographs were on show. The gallery’s annual art sale opened September 15 and will run through October 5. Visiting hours are 12 noon to 8 pm, reported. Works of accomplished artists were on display, namely the prolific painters Yaqoub Amamepich, Ali Reza Jeddi and Ahmad Vakili, as well as painter and sketch artist Mehrdad Khatai, sculptor Kambiz Sabri, painter Zhaleh Talebpour and painter and sketch artist Anali Vakili.

drawings manual prints sculptures and photographs were on show. The gallery’s annual ar reported. Works of accomplished artists were on namely the prolific painters Yaqoub Amamepich Ali Reza Jeddi and Ahmad Vakili as well as painter and sketch artist Mehrdad Khatai sculptor Kambiz Sabri Knack Gallery
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