Code: 58707 A

Ashkan Sanei Displays works in Spain

Ashkan Sanei Displays works in Spain

TEHRAN –(Iranart)-Works by Iranian artist Ashkan Sanei is on view at the international online drawing room Madrid Fair, Spain.

The international online fair will take place from May 15th to 30th with 19 international galleries presenting only 19 shows by artists from around the world.

O Gallery with the works of  Ashkan Sanei Iranian artists presents at the international online drawing room Madrid Fair.

In addition, works by Amir Karimi, Ghazal Khatibi, Maryam Mohry, Niloofar Lohrasbi, Pegah Rajamand and Razieh Sedighian are presented in the store section of their site.

Drawing Room Store is the first online platform for the exhibition and sale of contemporary drawing and paperwork.

A virtual display of this art fair will be available at

O Gallery Ashkan Sanei
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