Konya Mystic Music Festival to celebrate Rumi's birthdat with Shajarian concert recording

TEHRAN.(Iranart)- The Konya Mystic Music Festival in Turkey plans to celebrate the 813th birthday anniversary of Persian mystic and poet Jalal ad-Din Rumi online tonight with a recording of a concert Iranian vocalist Mohammadreza Shajarian had performed at the mausoleum of Rumi a few years ago.
The Konya Mystic Music Festival is organized by the Provincial Directorate of Culture and Tourism of Konya every year to celebrate the birthday of Rumi on September 30.
Vocalist Alireza Qorbani is expected to join the program on September 29.
The program running from September 22 to 30 is available on mistikmuzik.com.tr.
Iranian ensembles are frequent visitors to the festival.
Shajarian gave a concert with his ensemble Shahnaz in Konya on September 2015.
Shajarian along with the Shahnaz Ensemble earlier gave a performance in Konya in December 2009. Turkey’s International Mevlana Foundation honored Shajarian with a Golden Pin during the concert.
He received the award from Rumi’s 22nd niece Esin Celebi, who is also the deputy director of the foundation.
In addition, the Shams Ensemble led by veteran tambur virtuoso Keykhosro Purnazeri performed in company with Shajarian’s son Homayun at the festival in Konya in 2018.
Source: Tehran Times